
Showing posts from October, 2023

Dispatcher Servlet, View Resolver and Handler mapping

  Control Flow of SpringBootMVC ============================ 1. Programmer deploys SpringMVC/SpringBootMVC application in webserver or webapps 2. Deployment activities takes place which involves IOC container creation,DispatcherServlet registration with ServletContainer Pre-Instantiation of Singleton scope spring beans like Controller class,handlermapping,viewResolvers,Service class,DAO class etc. In the mean time necessary dependancy injection also takes place 3. Browser gives request to deployed springmvc application 4. The frontcontroller(DispatcherServlet) traps the request and applies the common system services on the request like logging,auditing,tracking etc,... 5. DispatcherServlet hands over the request to HandlerMapping component to map incoming request with handler method of handler/controller class and gets RequestMapping object from HandlerMapping component having Controller class bean id and HandlerMethod signature(it uses lot of reflection api code internally) 6. Dis...

Difference between SQL and NoSQL
